He sits in the corner alone while the prisoners think of their next strategy. The group becomes frightened by Kurapika's outburst and the others try to figure out if Kurapika has a thing with spiders. Do not ever mention the Phantom Troupe again to Kurapika again or he will kill Majtani.They have murdered so many people that it would be impossible to count.The 2011 version of Hunter X Hunter does a great job of thrusting viewers into the world of Hunters quickly, but not so suddenly that they are left confused. Gon climbs up the World Tree and meets Ging. Some specific plot points to consider: Gons friends Killua and Alluka have already departed Gon from the previous episode, 147. Gon is a young boy whose father disappeared long ago, being a Hunter. The Hunter Exam is the first arc of the show, and as such, it is vital in the introduction of the core themes and key characters for the rest of the show. According to the Hunter x Hunter wiki, the corresponding manga chapter for episode 148 is chapter 338 and 339. 0 Comments Chapter Discussion Latest Episode Discussion List of Official Discussion Threads Schedule: Tuesdays ( The Dank Continent) Read More. Hunter x Hunter (2011) is my favorite shonen anime ever watched, by far. They will make you lol and their bumbkin manerisms and eternal optimism will endear them to you instantly. Beyond that I believe Gon and young Goku have many many simularities. When Hunter and McCall investigate the alleged death of reporter Ralph Ormond (RICHARD GILLILAND) they uncover an extortion plot involving George Shadwell (JON CYPHER) a wealthy industrialist who has illicit dealings with a construction firm. From capturing criminals to searching deep within uncharted lands for any lost treasures. Hunter x hunter 2011 season 4 english dub episode 1. Dragon Ball and Hunter x Hunter (1999 & 2011) both got me sensing this in every episode. A Hunter is one who travels the world doing all sorts of dangerous tasks. A genuine Phantom Troupe tattoo has the member's number inscribed on the spider tattoo's back. HUNTER×HUNTER (2011) A new adaption of the manga of the same name by Togashi Yoshihiro.Kurapika tells Majtani to remember 3 things: He easily defeats him with a devastating punch, knocking him out, but not killing him. Kurapika notices a spider tattoo on Majtani's back and his eyes become Scarlet. Majtani, who relies on scaring and intimidating his enemies to make them surrender, gloats about how many people he's killed and even keeps multiple heart tattoos numbering them. The next match is between Kurapika and Majtani, who proposes a deathmatch without weapons and with the condition that one must die or surrender to finish the match. Seeing that his candle is not susceptible to strong winds, he puts it down and sprints towards Sedokan to blow his candle out. Gon chooses the longer candle, unaware that it is oil-soaked, and his candle starts to burn faster midway. Gon then faces Sedokan, who proposes a match to see whose candle burns the longest. Leorio is furious at what he has done, but Tonpa tells them that his real plan is to sabotage rookies like them. Tonpa promptly gives up even before Bendot lands a punch on him. Gon faces off against Sedokan and Majtani faces off against Kurapika who reveals a startling and scary secret. Hunter X Hunter season four takes place in the game of Greed Island, where magic becomes the forefront of nen.